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Akka.NETHints Methods

The Hints type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberManifest Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events with matching manifest.
Public methodStatic memberPersistenceIds Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events from provided set of persistence ids.
Public methodStatic memberTimestampAfter(DateTime) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp value after or equal provided date.
Public methodStatic memberTimestampAfter(Int64) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp value after or equal provided date.
Public methodStatic memberTimestampBefore(DateTime) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp value before provided date.
Public methodStatic memberTimestampBefore(Int64) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp value before provided date.
Public methodStatic memberTimestampBetween(DateTime, DateTime) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp from between provided range of values (left side inclusive).
Public methodStatic memberTimestampBetween(Int64, Int64) Obsolete.
Returns a hint that expects a reply with events, that have timestamp from between provided range of values (left side inclusive).
See Also