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Akka.NETRemoteRouterConfig Properties

The RemoteRouterConfig type exposes the following members.

Public propertyNrOfInstances
Retrieves the current number of routees in the pool.
(Inherited from Pool.)
Public propertyResizer
Retrieve the resizer to use when dynamically allocating routees to the pool.
(Overrides PoolResizer.)
Public propertyRouterDispatcher
Dispatcher ID to use for running the "head" actor, which handles supervision, death watch and router management messages.
(Overrides RouterConfigRouterDispatcher.)
Public propertyStopRouterWhenAllRouteesRemoved
Specify that this router should stop itself when all routees have terminated (been removed).
(Inherited from Pool.)
Public propertySupervisorStrategy
Retrieve the strategy to use when supervising the pool.
(Overrides PoolSupervisorStrategy.)
Public propertyUsePoolDispatcher
Retrieve whether or not to use the pool dispatcher. The dispatcher is defined in the 'pool-dispatcher' configuration property in the deployment section of the router.
(Inherited from Pool.)
See Also