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Akka.NETAtLeastOnceDeliveryActor Properties

The AtLeastOnceDeliveryActor type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyExtension
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyInternalStashOverflowStrategy
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyIsRecovering
Returns true if this persistent entity is currently recovering.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyIsRecoveryFinished
Returns true if this persistent entity has successfully finished recovery.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyJournal
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyJournalPluginId
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyLastSequenceNr
Highest received sequence number so far or `0L` if this actor hasn't replayed or stored any persistent events yet.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Protected propertyLog
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyMaxUnconfirmedMessages
Maximum number of unconfirmed messages, that this actor is allowed to hold in the memory. if this number is exceeded, Deliver(ActorPath, FuncInt64, Object, Boolean) will not accept more messages and it will throw MaxUnconfirmedMessagesExceededException. The default value can be configure with the '' configuration key. This method can be overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values.
Public propertyPersistenceId
Id of the persistent entity for which messages should be replayed.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyRecovery
Called when the persistent actor is started for the first time. The returned Recovery object defines how the actor will recover its persistent state before handling the first incoming message. To skip recovery completely return None.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyRedeliverInterval
Interval between redelivery attempts. The default value can be configure with the '' configuration key. This method can be overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values.
Public propertyRedeliveryBurstLimit
Maximum number of unconfirmed messages that will be sent at each redelivery burst (burst frequency is half of the redelivery interval). If there's a lot of unconfirmed messages (e.g. if the destination is not available for a long time), this helps prevent an overwhelming amount of messages to be sent at once. The default value can be configure with the '' configuration key. This method can be overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values.
Protected propertySelf
Gets the self ActorRef
(Inherited from ActorBase.)
Protected propertySender
Gets the sending ActorRef of the current message
(Inherited from ActorBase.)
Public propertySnapshotPluginId
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertySnapshotSequenceNr (Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertySnapshotStore
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertySnapshotterId
Returns PersistenceId.
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyStash
(Inherited from Eventsourced.)
Public propertyUnconfirmedCount
Number of messages that have not been confirmed yet.
Public propertyWarnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts
After this number of delivery attempts a UnconfirmedWarning message will be sent to Self. The count is reset after restart. The default value can be configure with the '' configuration key. This method can be overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values.
See Also