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Akka.NETAkka.Cluster.Tools.Client Namespace
The Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client namespace contains classes that provide an interface for communicating with actors within the cluster.
Public classClusterClient
This actor is intended to be used on an external node that is not member of the cluster. It acts like a gateway for sending messages to actors somewhere in the cluster. From the initial contact points it will establish a connection to a ClusterReceptionist somewhere in the cluster. It will monitor the connection to the receptionist and establish a new connection if the link goes down. When looking for a new receptionist it uses fresh contact points retrieved from previous establishment, or periodically refreshed contacts, i.e. not necessarily the initial contact points.
Public classClusterClientPublish
The message will be delivered to all recipients Actors that have been registered as subscribers to to the named topic.
Public classClusterClientSend
The message will be delivered to one recipient with a matching path, if any such exists. If several entries match the path the message will be delivered to one random destination. The sender of the message can specify that local affinity is preferred, i.e. the message is sent to an actor in the same local actor system as the used receptionist actor, if any such exists, otherwise random to any other matching entry.
Public classClusterClientSendToAll
The message will be delivered to all recipients with a matching path.
Public classClusterClientReceptionist
Extension that starts ClusterReceptionist and accompanying DistributedPubSubMediator with settings defined in config section "akka.cluster.client.receptionist". The DistributedPubSubMediator is started by the DistributedPubSub extension.
Public classClusterClientReceptionistExtensionProvider
Public classClusterClients
The reply to GetClusterClients
Public classClusterClientSettings
Public classClusterClientUnreachable
Emitted to the Akka event stream when a cluster client was previously connected but then not seen for some time.
Public classClusterClientUp
Emitted to the Akka event stream when a cluster client has interacted with a receptionist.
Public classClusterReceptionist

ClusterClient connects to this actor to retrieve. The ClusterReceptionist is supposed to be started on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The receptionist can be started with the Get(ActorSystem) or as an ordinary actor (use the factory method Props(IActorRef, ClusterReceptionistSettings)).

The receptionist forwards messages from the client to the associated DistributedPubSubMediator, i.e. the client can send messages to any actor in the cluster that is registered in the DistributedPubSubMediator. Messages from the client are wrapped in Send, SendToAll or Publish with the semantics described in distributed publish/subscribe.

Response messages from the destination actor are tunneled via the receptionist to avoid inbound connections from other cluster nodes to the client, i.e. the Sender, as seen by the destination actor, is not the client itself. The Sender of the response messages, as seen by the client, is preserved as the original sender, so the client can choose to send subsequent messages directly to the actor in the cluster.

Public classClusterReceptionistSettings
Public classContactPointAdded
Emitted to a subscriber when contact points have been received by the ClusterClient and a new one has been added.
Public classContactPointRemoved
Emitted to a subscriber when contact points have been received by the ClusterClient and a new one has been added.
Public classContactPoints
The reply to GetContactPoints.
Public classGetClusterClients
Get the cluster clients known to this receptionist. A ClusterClients message will be replied.
Public classGetContactPoints
Get the contact points known to this client. A ContactPoints message will be replied.
Public classSubscribeClusterClients
Subscribe to a cluster receptionist's client interactions where it is guaranteed that a sender receives the initial state of contact points prior to any events in relation to them changing. The sender will automatically become unsubscribed when it terminates.
Public classSubscribeContactPoints
Subscribe to a cluster client's contact point changes where it is guaranteed that a sender receives the initial state of contact points prior to any events in relation to them changing. The sender will automatically become unsubscribed when it terminates.
Public classUnsubscribeClusterClients
Explicitly unsubscribe from client interaction events.
Public classUnsubscribeContactPoints
Explicitly unsubscribe from contact point change events.
Public interfaceIClusterClientInteraction
Declares a super type for all events emitted by the ClusterClientReceptionist in relation to cluster clients being interacted with.
Public interfaceIClusterClientMessage
Marker trait for remote messages with special serializer.
Public interfaceIContactPointChange
Declares a super type for all events emitted by the `ClusterClient` in relation to contact points being added or removed.
Public interfaceIGetContactPoints
Public interfaceISubscribeContactPoints
Public interfaceIUnsubscribeContactPoints