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Akka.NETDsl Methods

The Dsl type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDeleteT
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform a delete of a structure stored under provided key, and reply with IDeleteResponse message. A delete is irrecoverable - you cannot reinsert a value under the key that has been deleted. If you try, a DataDeleted response will be send back. A deletion doesn't clear all of the memory used by the store. Some portion of it is used to keep track of deleted records across the nodes.
Public methodStatic memberGetT
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform a retrieve of a data structure stored under provided key, and reply with IGetResponse message. An optional consistency level may be supplied in order to apply certain constraints on the produced response.
Public methodStatic memberSubscribeT
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform a subscription of provided subscriber actor to any changes performed on the provided key. All changes will be send in form of a Changed message to the subscriber.
Public methodStatic memberUnsubscribeT
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform a unsubscription of provided subscriber actor from list of provided key subscriptions.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateT(IKeyT, IWriteConsistency, FuncT, T)
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform an update of a structure stored under provided key. Update operation is described by modify function, that will take a previous value as an input parameter. An consistency level may be provided to set up certain constraints on retrieved IUpdateResponse replied from replicator as a result.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateT(IKeyT, T, IWriteConsistency)
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform an update of a structure stored under provided key. If a value will differ from the one already stored, a merge operation will be automatically performed in order for those values to converge. An optional consistency level may be provided to set up certain constraints on retrieved IUpdateResponse replied from replicator as a result. If no consistency will be provided, a WriteLocal will be used as a default.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateT(IKeyT, T, IWriteConsistency, FuncT, T)
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform an update of a structure stored under provided key. Update operation is described by modify function, that will take a previous value as an input parameter. If no value was found under the key, an initial value will be used instead. An consistency level may be provided to set up certain constraints on retrieved IUpdateResponse replied from replicator as a result.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateT(IKeyT, T, IWriteConsistency, Object, FuncT, T)
Constructs a message that, when send to Replicator, will perform an update of a structure stored under provided key. Update operation is described by modify function, that will take a previous value as an input parameter. If no value was found under the key, an initial value will be used instead. An consistency level may be provided to set up certain constraints on retrieved IUpdateResponse replied from replicator as a result.
See Also