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Akka.NETAkka.Cluster.Routing Namespace
The Akka.Cluster.Routing namespace contains classes that provide for routing messages within the cluster.
Public classClusterRouterGroup
RouterConfig implementation for deployment on cluster nodes. Delegates other duties to the local RouterConfig, which makes it possible to mix this with built-in routers such as RoundRobinGroup or custom routers.
Public classClusterRouterGroupSettings
TotalInstances of cluster router must be > 0
Public classClusterRouterPool
RouterConfig implementation for deployment on cluster nodes. Delegates other duties to the local RouterConfig, which makes it possible to mix this with built-in routers such as RoundRobinGroup or custom routers.
Public classClusterRouterPoolSettings
TotalInstances of cluster router must be > 0 MaxInstancesPerNode of cluster router must be > 0 MaxInstancesPerNode of cluster router must be 1 when routeesPath is defined
Public classClusterRouterSettingsBase