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Akka.NETActorSystem Properties

The ActorSystem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeadLetters
Gets the dead letters.
Public propertyDispatchers
Gets the dispatchers.
Public propertyEventStream
Gets the event stream.
Public propertyLog
Gets the log
Public propertyMailboxes
Gets the mailboxes.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this system.
Public propertyScheduler
Gets the scheduler.
Public propertySerialization
Gets the serialization.
Public propertySettings
Gets the settings.
Public propertyStartTime
Start-up time since the epoch.
Public propertyUptime
Up-time of this actor system.
Public propertyWhenTerminated
Returns a task which will be completed after the ActorSystem has been terminated and termination hooks have been executed. Be careful to not schedule any operations on the `dispatcher` of this actor system as it will have been shut down before this task completes.
See Also