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Akka.NETAkka.Cluster Namespace
The Akka.Cluster namespace contains classes that provide cluster services including membership, gossip protocols and fault-tolerance.
Public classAutoDowning
Used when no custom provider is configured and 'auto-down-unreachable-after' is enabled.
Public classCluster

This class represents an ActorSystem extension used to create, monitor and manage a cluster of member nodes hosted within the actor system.

Each cluster Member is identified by its Address and the cluster address of this actor system is SelfAddress. A member also has a status; initially Joining followed by Up.

Public classClusterEvent
Domain events published to the event bus. Subscribe with:
var cluster = new Cluster(system);
cluster.Subscribe(actorRef, typeof(IClusterDomainEvent));
Public classClusterEventClusterShuttingDown
Indicates that the Cluster plugin is shutting down.
Public classClusterEventCurrentClusterState
A snapshot of the current state of the Cluster
Public classClusterEventLeaderChanged
Leader of the cluster members changed. Published when the state change is first seen on a node.
Public classClusterEventMemberExited
This class represents a ClusterEventMemberStatusChange event where the cluster node changed its status to Exiting. The node is removed when all members have seen the Exiting status.
Public classClusterEventMemberJoined
This class represents a ClusterEventMemberStatusChange event where the cluster node changed its status to Joining.
Public classClusterEventMemberLeft
This class represents a ClusterEventMemberStatusChange event where the cluster node changed its status to Leaving.
Public classClusterEventMemberRemoved

This class represents a ClusterEventMemberStatusChange event where the cluster node changed its status to Removed.

When PreviousStatus is Down the node was removed after being detected as unreachable and downed.

When PreviousStatus is Exiting the node was removed after graceful leaving and exiting.

Public classClusterEventMemberStatusChange
This class provides base functionality for defining state change events for cluster member nodes.
Public classClusterEventMemberUp
This class represents a ClusterEventMemberStatusChange event where the cluster node changed its status to Up.
Public classClusterEventReachabilityEvent
Public classClusterEventReachableMember
A member is considered as reachable by the failure detector after having been unreachable. ClusterEventUnreachableMember
Public classClusterEventRoleLeaderChanged
First member (leader) of the members within a role set changed. Published when the state change is first seen on a node.
Public classClusterEventUnreachableMember
A member is considered as unreachable by the failure detector.
Public classClusterExtension
This class represents an ActorSystem provider used to create the cluster extension.
Public classClusterScope
This class represents a binding of an actor deployment to a cluster-aware system.
Public classClusterSettings
This class represents configuration information used when setting up a cluster.
Public classMember
Represents the address, current status, and roles of a cluster member node.
Public classNoDowning
Default downing provider used when no provider is configured and 'auto-down-unreachable-after' is not enabled.
Public classUniqueAddress
Member identifier consisting of address and random `uid`. The `uid` is needed to be able to distinguish different incarnations of a member with same hostname and port.
Public classVectorClock

Representation of a Vector-based clock (counting clock), inspired by Lamport logical clocks.


  1. Leslie Lamport (1978). "Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system". Communications of the ACM 21 (7): 558-565.
  2. Friedemann Mattern (1988). "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems". Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: pp. 215-226

Based on code from the 'vlock' VectorClock library by Coda Hale.

Public classVectorClockNode
Hash representation of a versioned node name.
Public interfaceClusterEventIClusterDomainEvent
Marker interface for cluster domain events
Public interfaceClusterEventIMemberEvent
This interface marks a given class as a membership event. The event is published when the state change is first seen on a node. The state change was performed by the leader when there was convergence on the leader node, i.e. all members had seen previous state.
Public interfaceClusterEventIReachabilityEvent
Public interfaceIClusterMessage
Base interface for all cluster messages. All ClusterMessage's are serializable.
Public interfaceIDowningProvider
API for plugins that will handle downing of cluster nodes. Concrete plugins must subclass and have a public one argument constructor accepting an ActorSystem.
Public enumerationClusterEventSubscriptionInitialStateMode
The mode for getting the current state of the cluster upon first subscribing.
Public enumerationMemberStatus
Defines the current status of a cluster member node Can be one of: Joining, Up, Leaving, Exiting and Down.
Public enumerationVectorClockOrdering
Indicates the age of one VectorClock relative to another.