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Akka.NETIJournalQueryExecutor Interface
SQL query builder used for generating queries required to perform journal's tasks.

Namespace:  Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal
Assembly:  Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common (in Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.dll) Version: (
public interface IJournalQueryExecutor

The IJournalQueryExecutor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfiguration
Configuration settings for the current query executor.
Public methodCreateTablesAsync
Asynchronously tries to create new event journal and metadata tables.
Public methodDeleteBatchAsync
Asynchronously (permanently) deletes all events with given persistenceId, up to provided toSequenceNr.
Public methodInsertBatchAsync
Asynchronously inserts a collection of events and theirs tags into a journal table.
Public methodSelectAllPersistenceIdsAsync
Asynchronously returns all persistence Ids.
Public methodSelectByPersistenceIdAsync
Asynchronously replays a callback on all selected events for provided persistenceId, within boundaries of fromSequenceNr and toSequenceNr up to max number of events.
Public methodSelectByTagAsync
Asynchronously replays callback on all selected events, which have been tagged using provided tag, within boundaries of fromOffset and toOffset, up to max number of elements. Returns highest sequence number from selected events.
Public methodSelectEventsAsync Obsolete.
Public methodSelectHighestSequenceNrAsync
Asynchronously returns single number considered as the highest sequence number in current journal for the provided persistenceId.
See Also