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Akka.NETIdentityEventAdapterFromJournal Method

Convert an event from its journal model to the application's domain model.

One event may be adapter into multiple(or none) events which should be delivered to the PersistentActor. Use the specialised Single(Object) method to emit exactly one event, or Empty in case the adapter is not handling this event. Multiple IEventAdapter instances are applied in order as defined in configuration and their emitted event seqs are concatenated and delivered in order to the PersistentActor.

Namespace:  Akka.Persistence.Journal
Assembly:  Akka.Persistence (in Akka.Persistence.dll) Version: (
public IEventSequence FromJournal(
	Object evt,
	string manifest


Type: SystemObject
event to be adapted before delivering to the PersistentActor
Type: SystemString
optionally provided manifest(type hint) in case the Adapter has stored one for this event. Use empty string if none.

Return Value

Type: IEventSequence
sequence containing the adapted events (possibly zero) which will be delivered to the PersistentActor


IReadEventAdapterFromJournal(Object, String)
See Also