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Akka.NETBidiFlow Methods

The BidiFlow type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBidirectionalIdleTimeoutTIn, TOut
If the time between two processed elements ///in any direction/// exceed the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a TimeoutException. There is a difference between this stage and having two idleTimeout Flows assembled into a BidiStage. If the timeout is configured to be 1 seconds, then this stage will not fail even though there are elements flowing every second in one direction, but no elements are flowing in the other direction. I.e. this stage considers the ///joint/// frequencies of the elements in both directions.
Public methodStatic memberFromFlowsTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2, TMat1, TMat2
Wraps two Flows to create a BidiFlowTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2, TMat. The materialized value of the resulting BidiFlow is NotUsed. {{{ +----------------------------+ | Resulting BidiFlow | | | | +----------------------+ | I1 ~~> | Flow1 | ~~> O1 | +----------------------+ | | | | +----------------------+ | O2 <~~ | Flow2 | <~~ I2 | +----------------------+ | +----------------------------+ }}}
Public methodStatic memberFromFlowsMatTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2, TMat1, TMat2, TMat
Wraps two Flows to create a BidiFlowTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2, TMat. The materialized value of the resulting BidiFlow is determined by the combiner function passed in the second argument list. {{{ +----------------------------+ | Resulting BidiFlow | | | | +----------------------+ | I1 ~~> | Flow1 | ~~> O1 | +----------------------+ | | | | +----------------------+ | O2 \<~~ | Flow2 | <~~ I2 | +----------------------+ | +----------------------------+ }}}
Public methodStatic memberFromFunctionTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2
Public methodStatic memberFromGraphTIn1, TOut1, TIn2, TOut2, TMat
A graph with the shape of a flow logically is a flow, this method makes it so also in type.
See Also