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Akka.NETGraphInterpreter Class
INTERNAL API From an external viewpoint, the GraphInterpreter takes an assembly of graph processing stages encoded as a Assembly object and provides facilities to execute and interact with this assembly.

The lifecycle of the Interpreter is roughly the following:

- Boundary logics are attached via AttachDownstreamBoundary(GraphInterpreterConnection, GraphInterpreterDownstreamBoundaryStageLogic) and AttachUpstreamBoundary(GraphInterpreterConnection, GraphInterpreterUpstreamBoundaryStageLogic)

- Init(IMaterializer) is called

- Execute(Int32) is called whenever there is need for execution, providing an upper limit on the processed events

- Finish is called before the interpreter is disposed, preferably after IsCompleted returned true, although in abort cases this is not strictly necessary The Execute(Int32) method of the interpreter accepts an upper bound on the events it will process. After this limit is reached or there are no more pending events to be processed, the call returns. It is possible to inspect if there are unprocessed events left via the IsSuspended method. IsCompleted returns true once all stages reported completion inside the interpreter. The internal architecture of the interpreter is based on the usage of arrays and optimized for reducing allocations on the hot paths. One of the basic abstractions inside the interpreter is the GraphInterpreterConnection. A connection represents an output-input port pair (an analogue for a connected RS Publisher-Subscriber pair). The Connection object contains all the necessary data for the interpreter to pass elements, demand, completion or errors across the Connection.

In particular

- portStates contains a bitfield that tracks the states of the ports (output-input) corresponding to this connection. This bitfield is used to decode the event that is in-flight.

- connectionSlot contains a potential element or exception that accompanies the event encoded in the portStates bitfield

- inHandler contains the InHandler instance that handles the events corresponding to the input port of the connection

- outHandler contains the OutHandler instance that handles the events corresponding to the output port of the connection On top of the Connection table there is an eventQueue, represented as a circular buffer of Connections. The queue contains the Connections that have pending events to be processed. The pending event itself is encoded in the portState bitfield of the Connection. This implies that there can be only one event in flight for a given Connection, which is true in almost all cases, except a complete-after-push or fail-after-push which has to be decoded accordingly. The layout of the portState bitfield is the following: |- state machn.-| Only one bit is hot among these bits 64 32 16 | 8 4 2 1 | +---+---+---|---+---+---+---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From the following flags only one is active in any given time. These bits encode | | | | | | | state machine states, and they are "moved" around using XOR masks to keep other bits | | | | | | | intact. | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- InReady: The input port is ready to be pulled | | | | | +----- Pulling: A pull is active, but have not arrived yet (queued) | | | | +--------- Pushing: A push is active, but have not arrived yet (queued) | | | +------------- OutReady: The output port is ready to be pushed | | | | | +----------------- InClosed: The input port is closed and will not receive any events. | | A push might be still in flight which will be then processed first. | +--------------------- OutClosed: The output port is closed and will not receive any events. +------------------------- InFailed: Always set in conjunction with InClosed. Indicates that the close event is a failure Sending an event is usually the following sequence: - An action is requested by a stage logic (push, pull, complete, etc.) - the state machine in portStates is transitioned from a ready state to a pending event - the affected Connection is enqueued Receiving an event is usually the following sequence: - the connection to be processed is dequeued - the type of the event is determined from the bits set on portStates - the state machine in portStates is transitioned to a ready state - using the inHandlers/outHandlers table the corresponding callback is called on the stage logic. Because of the FIFO construction of the queue the interpreter is fair, i.e. a pending event is always executed after a bounded number of other events. This property, together with suspendability means that even infinite cycles can be modeled, or even dissolved (if preempted and a "stealing" external event is injected; for example the non-cycle edge of a balance is pulled, dissolving the original cycle).

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Akka.Streams.Implementation.Fusing
Assembly:  Akka.Streams (in Akka.Streams.dll) Version: (
public sealed class GraphInterpreter

The GraphInterpreter type exposes the following members.

Public methodGraphInterpreter
Public propertyContext
Public propertyStatic memberCurrent
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentInterpreterOrNull
Public propertyIsCompleted
Returns true if there are no more running stages and pending events.
Public propertyIsSuspended
Returns true if there are pending unprocessed events in the event queue.
Public methodAttachDownstreamBoundary(Int32, GraphInterpreterDownstreamBoundaryStageLogic)
Public methodAttachDownstreamBoundary(GraphInterpreterConnection, GraphInterpreterDownstreamBoundaryStageLogic)
Assign the boundary logic to a given connection. This will serve as the interface to the external world (outside the interpreter) to process and inject events.
Public methodAttachUpstreamBoundary(Int32, GraphInterpreterUpstreamBoundaryStageLogic)
Public methodAttachUpstreamBoundary(GraphInterpreterConnection, GraphInterpreterUpstreamBoundaryStageLogic)
Assign the boundary logic to a given connection. This will serve as the interface to the external world (outside the interpreter) to process and inject events.
Public methodDumpWaits
Debug utility to dump the "waits-on" relationships in DOT format to the console for analysis of deadlocks. Only invoke this after the interpreter completely settled, otherwise the results might be off. This is a very simplistic tool, make sure you are understanding what you are doing and then it will serve you well.
Public methodEnqueue
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecute
Executes pending events until the given limit is met. If there were remaining events, IsSuspended will return true.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFinish
Finalizes the state of all stages by calling PostStop (if necessary).
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInit
Initializes the states of all the stage logics by calling PreStart. The passed-in materializer is intended to be a SubFusingMaterializer that avoids creating new Actors when stages materialize sub-flows.If no such materializer is available, passing in null will reuse the normal materializer for the GraphInterpreter—fusing is only an optimization.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRunAsyncInput
Public methodSetHandler(GraphInterpreterConnection, IInHandler)
Dynamic handler changes are communicated from a GraphStageLogic by this method.
Public methodSetHandler(GraphInterpreterConnection, IOutHandler)
Dynamic handler changes are communicated from a GraphStageLogic by this method.
Public methodToString
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Extension Methods
See Also