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Akka.NETBatchingSqliteJournalSetup Properties

The BatchingSqliteJournalSetup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoInitialize
If true, once created, journal will run all SQL scripts stored under Initializers collection prior to starting executing any requests. In most implementation this is used to initialize necessary tables.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyCircuitBreakerSettings
Settings specific to CircuitBreaker, which is used internally for executing request batches.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyConnectionString
Connection string to a SQL database.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyConnectionTimeout
Maximum time given for executed DbCommand to complete.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyIsolationLevel
Isolation level of transactions used during query execution.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyMaxBatchSize
Maximum size of single batch of operations to be executed over a single DbConnection.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyMaxBufferSize
Maximum size of requests stored in journal buffer. Once buffer will be surpassed, it will start to apply OnBufferOverflow(IJournalMessage) method to incoming requests.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyMaxConcurrentOperations
Maximum number of batch operations allowed to be executed at the same time. Each batch operation must acquire a DbConnection, so this setting can be effectively used to limit the usage of ADO.NET connection pool by current journal.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyNamingConventions
Database specific naming conventions (table and column names) used to construct valid SQL statements.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
Public propertyReplayFilterSettings
Settings specific to replay filter rules used when replaying events from database back to the persistent actors.
(Inherited from BatchingSqlJournalSetup.)
See Also