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Akka.NETTestKitBaseReceiveWhile Method
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Public methodReceiveWhileT(NullableTimeSpan, FuncObject, T, Int32)
Receive a series of messages until the function returns null or the overall maximum duration is elapsed or expected messages count is reached. Returns the sequence of messages. Note that it is not an error to hit the `max` duration in this case. The max duration is scaled by Dilated(TimeSpan)
Public methodReceiveWhileT(FuncObject, T, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, Int32)
Receive a series of messages until the function returns null or the idle timeout is met (disabled by default) or the overall maximum duration is elapsed or expected messages count is reached. Returns the sequence of messages. Note that it is not an error to hit the `max` duration in this case. The max duration is scaled by Dilated(TimeSpan)
Public methodReceiveWhileT(NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, FuncObject, T, Int32)
Receive a series of messages until the function returns null or the idle timeout is met or the overall maximum duration is elapsed or expected messages count is reached. Returns the sequence of messages. Note that it is not an error to hit the `max` duration in this case. The max duration is scaled by Dilated(TimeSpan)
Public methodReceiveWhileT(PredicateT, NullableTimeSpan, NullableTimeSpan, Int32, Boolean)
Receive a series of messages. It will continue to receive messages until the shouldIgnore predicate returns false or the idle timeout is met (disabled by default) or the overall maximum duration is elapsed or expected messages count is reached. If a message that isn't of type T the parameter shouldIgnoreOtherMessageTypes declares if the message should be ignored or not.

Returns the sequence of messages.

Note that it is not an error to hit the `max` duration in this case. The max duration is scaled by Dilated(TimeSpan)
See Also