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Akka.NETAkka.Serialization Namespace
The Akka.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize messages.
Public classByteArraySerializer
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes byte arrays only (just returns the byte array unchanged/uncopied).
Public classHyperionSerializer
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes plain old CLR objects (POCOs).
Public classHyperionSerializerSettings
A typed settings class for a HyperionSerializer.
Public classJavaSerializer
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes Java objects only.
Public classNewtonSoftJsonSerializer
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes javascript objects only. These objects need to be in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
Public classNewtonSoftJsonSerializerAkkaContractResolver
Public classNewtonSoftJsonSerializerSurrogateConverter
Public classNewtonSoftJsonSerializerSettings
A typed settings for a NewtonSoftJsonSerializer class.
Public classNullSerializer
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes nulls only
Public classSerialization
Public classSerializer
A Serializer represents a bimap between an object and an array of bytes representing that object. Serializers are loaded using reflection during ActorSystem start-up, where two constructors are tried in order:
  • taking exactly one argument of type ExtendedActorSystem; this should be the preferred one because all reflective loading of classes during deserialization should use ExtendedActorSystem.dynamicAccess (see [[]]), and
  • without arguments, which is only an option if the serializer does not load classes using reflection.
Be sure to always use the PropertyManager for loading classes! This is necessary to avoid strange match errors and inequalities which arise from different class loaders loading the same class.
Public classSerializerIdentifierHelper
Public classSerializerWithStringManifest
Public classWireSerializer Obsolete.
This is a special Serializer that serializes and deserializes plain old CLR objects (POCOs).
Public interfaceIKnownTypesProvider
Interface that can be implemented in order to determine some custom logic, that's going to provide a list of types that are known to be shared for all corresponding parties during remote communication.