![]() | API Reference |
Namespace | Description |
Akka | Akka.NET is an open-source library for building concurrent, fault-tolerant and scalable systems using the actor model. |
Akka.Actor | The Akka.Actor namespace contains classes used to create and manage actors including lifecycle, message receiving and handling. |
Akka.Actor.Dsl | The Akka.Actor.Dsl namespace contains classes used to create and manage an actor using a custom domain specific language. |
Akka.Actor.Internal | The Akka.Actor.Internal namespace contains classes used to create and manage actors within the system. These classes are part
of an internal API. As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at your own risk. |
Akka.Cluster | The Akka.Cluster namespace contains classes that provide cluster services including membership, gossip protocols and fault-tolerance. |
Akka.Cluster.Routing | The Akka.Cluster.Routing namespace contains classes that provide for routing messages within the cluster. |
Akka.Cluster.Sharding | The Akka.Cluster.Sharding namespace contains classes that provide for actor sharding functionality within the cluster. |
Akka.Cluster.Sharding.Serialization | The Akka.Cluster.Sharding.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize cluster sharding messages. |
Akka.Cluster.TestKit | TBD |
Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client | The Akka.Cluster.Tools.Client namespace contains classes that provide an interface for communicating with actors within the cluster. |
Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe | The Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe namespace contains classes that provide for pub/sub functionality within the cluster. |
Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization | The Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize cluster pub/sub messages. |
Akka.Cluster.Tools.Singleton | The Akka.Cluster.Tools.Singleton namespace contains classes that provide for actor singleton functionality within a cluster. |
Akka.Cluster.Tools.Singleton.Serialization | The Akka.Cluster.Tools.Singleton.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize cluster singleton messages. |
Akka.Configuration | The Akka.Configuration namespace contains classes used to configure the system via a variety of means including configuration
files, embedded resources and bare HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) strings. |
Akka.Configuration.Hocon | The Akka.Configuration.Hocon namespace contains classes used to interact with configuration values via their internal
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) representation. |
Akka.DI.Core | The Akka.DI.Core namespace contains classes used to provide extension points for dependency injection (DI).
These classes rely on the different DI libraries to do the heavy lifting. |
Akka.Dispatch | The Akka.Dispatch namespace contains classes used to dispatch messages to the actors. |
Akka.Dispatch.MessageQueues | The Akka.Dispatch.MessageQueues namespace contains classes used to queue messages for an actor. |
Akka.Dispatch.SysMsg | The Akka.Dispatch.SysMsg namespace contains classes used to dispatch system messages to the actors. |
Akka.DistributedData | TBD |
Akka.DistributedData.Durable | |
Akka.DistributedData.Internal | TBD |
Akka.DistributedData.Local | TBD |
Akka.DistributedData.Serialization | |
Akka.Event | The Akka.Event namespace contains classes used to publish/subscribe to events in the Event Stream. |
Akka.FSharp | The Akka.FSharp namespace contains an API used to interact and control the system via F#. |
Akka.IO | The Akka.IO namespace contains classes and methods used to interact directly with actors via TCP/UDP. |
Akka.Pattern | The Akka.Pattern namespace contains classes containing common usage patterns when interacting with actors. |
Akka.Persistence | The Akka.Persistence namespace contains classes used to save/restore an actor's state into a persist data store. |
Akka.Persistence.Fsm | The Akka.Persistence.Fsm namespace contains classes used to interact with actor persistence using a state machine. |
Akka.Persistence.Journal | The Akka.Persistence.Journal namespace contains classes used to journal sequences of events the actor state. |
Akka.Persistence.Query | TBD |
Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql | The Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql namespace contains classes used to to query ranges of information directly from their underlying persistence stores for more powerful types of reads, aggregations, and more. |
Akka.Persistence.Serialization | The Akka.Persistence.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize messages and snapshots. |
Akka.Persistence.Snapshot | The Akka.Persistence.Snapshot namespace contains classes used to snapshot an actor's internal state. |
Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common | The Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common namespace contains common classes used by the various SQL persistence extensions. |
Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal | The Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Journal namespace contains common classes used by the various SQL persistence extensions
when journalling. |
Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Queries | The Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Queries namespace contains common classes used by the various SQL persistence extensions
when performing queries. |
Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Snapshot | The Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.snapshot namespace contains common classes used by the various SQL persistence extensions
when snapshotting. |
Akka.Persistence.Sqlite | The Akka.Persistence namespace contains classes used to save/restore an actor's state into a Sqlite data store. |
Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Journal | The Akka.Persistence.Journal namespace contains classes used when interacting with the Sqlite implementation of persistence journalling. |
Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Snapshot | The Akka.Persistence.Snapshot namespace contains classes used when interacting with the Sqlite implementation of persistence snapshotting. |
Akka.Persistence.TestKit | The Akka.Persistence.TestKit namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test
new persistence extensions. |
Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Journal | The Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Journal namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test
journalling in new persistence extensions. |
Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Snapshot | The Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Snapshot namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test
snapshotting in new persistence extensions. |
Akka.Remote | The Akka.Remote namespace contains classes that provide for interacting to remote actors. |
Akka.Remote.Proto | |
Akka.Remote.Routing | The Akka.Remote.Routing namespace contains classes that provide for routing messages to remote actors. |
Akka.Remote.Serialization | The Akka.Remote.Serialization namespace contains classes that provide for serializing messages to and deserializing
messages from remote actors. |
Akka.Remote.TestKit | The Akka.Remote.TestKit namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test remote actors. |
Akka.Remote.TestKit.Proto | The Akka.Remote.TestKit.Proto namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test message encoding. |
Akka.Remote.Transport | The Akka.Remote.Transport namespace contains classes that provide for transporting messages over the network via TCP or UDP. |
Akka.Routing | The Akka.Routing namespace contains classes that provide for routing messages within the system. |
Akka.Serialization | The Akka.Serialization namespace contains classes used to (de-)serialize messages. |
Akka.Streams | The Akka.Streams namespace contains classes that provide a domain specific language that allows you to compose actors and workflows into streams of events and messages. |
Akka.Streams.Actors | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Dsl | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Dsl.Internal | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Extra | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Implementation | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Implementation.Fusing | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Implementation.IO | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Implementation.Stages | TBD |
Akka.Streams.IO | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Stage | TBD |
Akka.Streams.Supervision | TBD |
Akka.Streams.TestKit | The Akka.Streams namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used to test event and message streaming. |
Akka.Streams.Util | TBD |
Akka.TestKit | The Akka.TestKit namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used by the different testkit extensions.
This functionality allows for writing tests in the extension's framework. |
Akka.TestKit.Configs | The Akka.TestKit.Configs namespace contains common classes used when configuring the different testkit extensions. |
Akka.TestKit.Internal | The Akka.TestKit.Internal namespace contains classes that provide base testing functionality used by the different testkit extensions.
This functionality allows for writing tests in the extension's framework. These classes are part of an internal API.
As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at your own risk. |
Akka.TestKit.Internal.StringMatcher | The Akka.TestKit.Internal.StringMatcher namespace contains classes that provide basic string matching functionality used for testing
purposes. This functionality allows for writing tests in the extension's framework. These classes are part of an internal API.
As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at your own risk. |
Akka.TestKit.TestActors | The Akka.TestKit.TestActors namespace contains classes that provide basic actors used for testing purposes. |
Akka.TestKit.TestEvent | The Akka.TestKit.TestEvent namespace contains classes that provide basic events used for event-filtering testing purposes. |
Akka.TestKit.Xunit | The Akka.TestKit.Xunit namespace contains classes that provide for writing tests in Xunit. |
Akka.TestKit.Xunit.Internals | The Akka.TestKit.Xunit.Internals namespace contains classes that provide for writing tests in Xunit.
These classes are part of an internal API. As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at
your own risk. |
Akka.TestKit.Xunit2 | The Akka.TestKit.Xunit2 namespace contains classes that provide for writing tests in Xunit2. |
Akka.TestKit.Xunit2.Internals | The Akka.TestKit.Xunit2.Internals namespace contains classes that provide for writing tests in Xunit2.
These classes are part of an internal API. As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at
your own risk. |
Akka.Util | The Akka.Util namespace contains classes that provide utilitarian functionality. |
Akka.Util.Internal | The Akka.Util.Internal namespace contains classes that provide utilitarian functionality. These classes are part of an internal API.
As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at your own risk. |
Akka.Util.Internal.Collections | The Akka.Util.Internal.Collections namespace contains classes that provide collection-based utilitarian functionality.
These classes are part of an internal API. As such, these classes may break without warning. Use at your own risk. |
Akka.Util.Reflection | The Akka.Util.Reflection namespace contains classes that provide reflection-based utilitarian functionality. |
TCP | The TCP namespace contains classes used to interact with Google ProtocolBuffers. |