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Akka.NETInbox Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Akka.FSharp.Inbox"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Akka.FSharp
Assembly:  Akka.FSharp (in Akka.FSharp.dll) Version: (
public static class Inbox

The Inbox type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberasyncReceiveMessage
Awaits in async block fora next message sent to the inbox. Returns None if message is incompatible with expected response type.
Public methodStatic memberfilterReceiveMessage
Receives a next message sent to the inbox, which satisfies provided predicate. This is a blocking operation. Returns None if timeout occurred or message is incompatible with expected response type.
Public methodStatic memberinbox
Creates an actor-like object, which could be interrogated from the outside. Usually it's used to spy on other actors lifecycle. Most of the inbox methods works in thread-blocking manner.
Public methodStatic memberreceiveMessage
Receives a next message sent to the inbox. This is a blocking operation. Returns None if timeout occurred or message is incompatible with expected response type.
See Also