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Akka.NETBatchingSqlJournalTConnection, TCommand Properties

The BatchingSqlJournalTConnection, TCommand generic type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAllPersistenceIdsSql
SQL query executed as result of GetCurrentPersistenceIds request to journal. It's a part of persistence query protocol.
Protected propertyByPersistenceIdSql
SQL query executed as result of ReplayMessages request to journal. It's also part of persistence query protocol.
Protected propertyByTagSql
SQL query executed as result of ReplayTaggedMessages request to journal. It's a part of persistence query protocol.
Protected propertyDeleteBatchSql
SQL query executed as result of DeleteMessagesTo request to journal.
Protected propertyHasAllIdsSubscribers
Flag determining if current journal has any subscribers for GetCurrentPersistenceIds and PersistenceIdAdded messages.
Protected propertyHasPersistenceIdSubscribers
Flag determining if current journal has any subscribers for EventAppended events.
Protected propertyHasTagSubscribers
Flag determining if current journal has any subscribers for TaggedEventAppended events.
Protected propertyHighestSequenceNrSql
SQL query executed as result of ReadHighestSequenceNr(String, TCommand) request to journal. Also used under some conditions, when storing metadata upon DeleteMessagesTo request.
Protected propertyInitializers
A named collection of SQL statements to be executed once journal actor gets initialized and the AutoInitialize flag is set.
Protected propertyInsertEventSql
SQL statement executed as result of WriteMessages request to journal.
Protected propertySelf
Gets the self ActorRef
(Inherited from ActorBase.)
Protected propertySender
Gets the sending ActorRef of the current message
(Inherited from ActorBase.)
Protected propertySetup
All configurable settings defined for a current batching journal.
Protected propertyUpdateSequenceNrSql
SQL statement executed as result of writing metadata, which is a possible effect of DeleteMessagesTo request.
See Also