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Akka.NETActorSystem Methods

The ActorSystem type exposes the following members.

Public methodActorOf
Interface IActorRefFactory
Public methodActorSelection(String)
Interface IActorRefFactory
Public methodActorSelection(ActorPath)
Interface IActorRefFactory
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String)
Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(String, Config)
Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name and configuration.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetExtension(IExtensionId)
Retrieves the specified extension that is registered to this actor system.
Public methodGetExtensionT
Retrieves an extension with the specified type that is registered to this actor system.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasExtension(Type)
Determines whether this actor system has an extension with the specified type.
Public methodHasExtensionT
Determines whether this actor system has the specified extension.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRegisterExtension
Registers the specified extension with this actor system.
Public methodRegisterOnTermination

Registers a block of code (callback) to run after ActorSystem.shutdown has been issued and all actors in this actor system have been stopped. Multiple code blocks may be registered by calling this method multiple times.

The callbacks will be run sequentially in reverse order of registration, i.e. last registration is run first.

Public methodStop
Stops the specified actor permanently.
Public methodTerminate

Terminates this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian (below which the logging actors reside) and the execute all registered termination handlers (RegisterOnTermination(Action)).

Be careful to not schedule any operations on completion of the returned task using the `dispatcher` of this actor system as it will have been shut down before the task completes.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryGetExtension(Type, Object)
Tries to retrieve an extension with the specified type.
Public methodTryGetExtensionT(T)
Tries to retrieve an extension with the specified type
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodActorOf(ActionIActorDsl, String)Overloaded.
(Defined by ActExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodActorOf(ActionIActorDsl, IActorContext, String)Overloaded.
(Defined by ActExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodActorOfTActor(String)Overloaded.
(Defined by ActorRefFactoryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodActorSelection
Construct an ActorSelection from the given string representing a path relative to the given target. This operation has to create all the matching magic, so it is preferable to cache its result if the intention is to send messages frequently.
(Defined by ActorRefFactoryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddDependencyResolver
Registers a dependency resolver with a given actor system.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInstanceOfT
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodDI
Creates an adapter used to generate Props configuration objects using the DI extension using a given actor system.
(Defined by Extensions.)
Public Extension MethodDistributedData
Returns th DistributedData(ActorSystem) extension configured for provided system. Configuration is supplied automatically from HOCON config under the path: `akka.cluster.distributed-data`
(Defined by DistributedDataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodMatchOverloaded.
Matches the specified target.
(Defined by PatternMatch.)
Public Extension MethodMatchTOverloaded.
Matches the specified target and return a result of target processing.
(Defined by PatternMatch.)
Public Extension MethodMaterializer

Creates a ActorMaterializer which will execute every step of a transformation pipeline within its own ActorBase. The required IActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an IActorContext) will be used to create one actor that in turn creates actors for the transformation steps.

The materializer's ActorMaterializerSettings will be obtained from the configuration of the context's underlying ActorSystem.

The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

(Defined by ActorMaterializerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodReadJournalForTJournal (Defined by PersistenceQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTcp
(Defined by TcpExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTcpStream
(Defined by TcpStreamExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUdp
(Defined by UdpExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWithExtensionTOverloaded.
Retrieves the extension specified by a given type, T, from a given actor system.
(Defined by ActorSystemWithExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWithExtensionT(Type)Overloaded.
Retrieves the extension specified by a given type, T, from a given actor system. If the extension does not exist within the actor system, then the extension specified by extensionId is registered to the actor system.
(Defined by ActorSystemWithExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWithExtensionT, TIOverloaded.
Retrieves the extension specified by a given type, T, from a given actor system. If the extension does not exist within the actor system, then the extension specified by TI is registered to the actor system.
(Defined by ActorSystemWithExtensions.)
See Also