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Akka.NETHyperionSerializerSettings Fields

The HyperionSerializerSettings type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDefault
Default settings used by HyperionSerializer when no config has been specified.
Public fieldKnownTypesProvider
A type implementing IKnownTypesProvider, that will be used when HyperionSerializer is being constructed to provide a list of message types that are supposed to be known implicitly by all communicating parties. Implementing class must provide either a default constructor or a constructor taking ExtendedActorSystem as its only parameter.
Public fieldPreserveObjectReferences
When true, it tells HyperionSerializer to keep track of references in serialized/deserialized object graph.
Public fieldVersionTolerance
When true, it tells HyperionSerializer to encode a list of currently serialized fields into type manifest.
See Also