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Akka.NETTestConductorThrottle Method
Make the remoting pipeline on the node throttle data sent to or received from the given remote peer. Throttling works by delaying packet submission within the netty pipeline until the packet would have been completely sent according to the given rate, the previous packet completion and the current packet length. In case of large packets they are split up if the calculated end pause would exceed `akka.testconductor.packet-split-threshold` (roughly). All of this uses the system’s scheduler, which is not terribly precise and will execute tasks later than they are schedule (even on average), but that is countered by using the actual execution time for determining how much to send, leading to the correct output rate, but with increased latency. ====Note==== To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.

Namespace:  Akka.Remote.TestKit
Assembly:  Akka.Remote.TestKit (in Akka.Remote.TestKit.dll) Version: (
public Task<Done> Throttle(
	RoleName node,
	RoleName target,
	ThrottleTransportAdapterDirection direction,
	float rateMBit


Type: Akka.Remote.TestKitRoleName
is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
Type: Akka.Remote.TestKitRoleName
is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be throttled
Type: Akka.Remote.TransportThrottleTransportAdapterDirection
can be either `Direction.Send`, `Direction.Receive` or `Direction.Both`
Type: SystemSingle
is the maximum data rate in MBit

Return Value

Type: TaskDone

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Akka.Remote.TestKit.TestConductor.Throttle(Akka.Remote.TestKit.RoleName,Akka.Remote.TestKit.RoleName,Akka.Remote.Transport.ThrottleTransportAdapter.Direction,System.Single)"]

See Also