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Akka.NETSpawn Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Akka.FSharp.Spawn"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Akka.FSharp
Assembly:  Akka.FSharp (in Akka.FSharp.dll) Version: (
public static class Spawn

The Spawn type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberactorOfMessage, Returned
Wraps provided function with actor behavior. It will be invoked each time, an actor will receive a message.
Public methodStatic memberactorOf2Message, Returned
Wraps provided function with actor behavior. It will be invoked each time, an actor will receive a message.
Public methodStatic memberapplySpawnOptions
Public methodStatic memberspawnMessage, Returned
Spawns an actor using specified actor computation expression. The actor can only be used locally.
Public methodStatic memberspawneMessage, Returned
Spawns an actor using specified actor computation expression, using an Expression AST. The actor code can be deployed remotely.
Public methodStatic memberspawnObja
Spawns an actor using specified actor quotation. The actor can only be used locally.
Public methodStatic memberspawnObjOpta
Spawns an actor using specified actor quotation, with custom spawn option settings. The actor can only be used locally.
Public methodStatic memberspawnOptMessage, Returned
Spawns an actor using specified actor computation expression, with custom spawn option settings. The actor can only be used locally.
See Also