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Akka.NETTestKitBaseActorOf Method
Overload List
Public methodActorOfTActor
Create a new actor as child of Sys.
Public methodCode exampleActorOfTActor(ExpressionFuncTActor)
Create a new actor as child of Sys using an expression that calls the constructor of TActor.
ActorOf<MyActor>(()=>new MyActor("value", 4711))
Public methodActorOfTActor(String)
Create a new actor as child of Sys.
Public methodActorOf(Props)
Create a new actor as child of Sys.
Public methodCode exampleActorOfTActor(ExpressionFuncTActor, String)
Create a new actor as child of Sys using an expression that calls the constructor of TActor.
ActorOf<MyActor>(()=>new MyActor("value", 4711), "test-actor")
Public methodCode exampleActorOf(ActionIActorDsl, String)
Creates a new actor by defining the behavior inside the configure action.
ActorOf(c =>
    c.Receive<string>((msg, ctx) => ctx.Sender.Tell("Hello " + msg));
Public methodCode exampleActorOf(ActionIActorDsl, IActorContext, String)
Creates a new actor by defining the behavior inside the configure action.
ActorOf(c =>
    c.Receive<string>((msg, ctx) => ctx.Sender.Tell("Hello " + msg));
Public methodActorOf(Props, String)
Create a new actor as child of Sys.
See Also