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Akka.NETTokenType Enumeration
This enumeration defines the different types of tokens found within a HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) configuration string.

Namespace:  Akka.Configuration.Hocon
Assembly:  Akka (in Akka.dll) Version: (
public enum TokenType
  Member nameValueDescription
Comment0 This token type represents a comment.
Key1 This token type represents the key portion of a key-value pair.
LiteralValue2 This token type represents the value portion of a key-value pair.
Assign3 This token type represents the assignment operator, = or : .
ObjectStart4 This token type represents the beginning of an object, { .
ObjectEnd5 This token type represents the end of an object, } .
Dot6 This token type represents a namespace separator, . .
EoF7 This token type represents the end of the configuration string.
ArrayStart8 This token type represents the beginning of an array, [ .
ArrayEnd9 This token type represents the end of an array, ] .
Comma10 This token type represents the separator in an array, , .
Substitute11 This token type represents a replacement variable, $foo .
Include12 This token type represents an include statement.
See Also