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Akka.NETIModuleComposeNoMaterialized Method
Creates a new Module which is this Module composed with that Module. The difference to compose(that) is that this version completely ignores the materialized value computation of that while the normal version executes the computation and discards its result. This means that this version must not be used for user-provided that modules because users may transform materialized values only to achieve some side-effect; it can only be used where we know that there is no meaningful computation to be done (like for MaterializedValueSource).

Namespace:  Akka.Streams.Implementation
Assembly:  Akka.Streams (in Akka.Streams.dll) Version: (
IModule ComposeNoMaterialized(
	IModule that


Type: Akka.Streams.ImplementationIModule
a Module to be composed with (cannot be itself)

Return Value

Type: IModule
a Module that represents the composition of this and that
See Also