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Akka.NETGraphStageLogic Class
Represents the processing logic behind a GraphStageTShape. Roughly speaking, a subclass of GraphStageLogic is a collection of the following parts:

* A set of InHandler and OutHandler instances and their assignments to the Inlets and Outlets of the enclosing GraphStageTShape

* Possible mutable state, accessible from the InHandler and OutHandler callbacks, but not from anywhere else (as such access would not be thread-safe)

* The lifecycle hooks PreStart and PostStop

* Methods for performing stream processing actions, like pulling or pushing elements

The stage logic is always stopped once all its input and output ports have been closed, i.e. it is not possible to keep the stage alive for further processing once it does not have any open ports.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Akka.Streams.Stage
Assembly:  Akka.Streams (in Akka.Streams.dll) Version: (
public abstract class GraphStageLogic

The GraphStageLogic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyKeepGoingAfterAllPortsClosed
If this method returns true when all ports had been closed then the stage is not stopped until CompleteStage or FailStage(Exception) are explicitly called
Protected propertyMaterializer
The IMaterializer that has set this GraphStage in motion.
Public propertyStageActorRef
Protected propertySubFusingMaterializer
An IMaterializer that may run fusable parts of the graphs that it materializes within the same actor as the current GraphStage(if fusing is available). This materializer must not be shared outside of the GraphStage.
Protected methodAbortEmittingT
Protected methodAbortReadingT
Abort outstanding (suspended) reading for the given inlet, if there is any. This will reinstall the replaced handler that was in effect before the read call.
Protected methodAfterPostStop
Protected methodBeforePreStart
Protected methodCancel
Requests to stop receiving events from a given input port. Cancelling clears any ungrabbed elements from the port.
Protected methodComplete
Signals that there will be no more elements emitted on the given port.
Public methodCompleteStage
Automatically invokes Cancel(Inlet) or Complete(Outlet) on all the input or output ports that have been called, then stops the stage, then PostStop is called.
Public methodStatic memberConditionalTerminateInput
Input handler that terminates the state upon receiving completion if the given condition holds at that time. The stage fails upon receiving a failure.
Public methodStatic memberConditionalTerminateOutput
Output handler that terminates the state upon receiving completion if the given condition holds at that time. The stage fails upon receiving a failure.
Protected methodCreateSubSinkInletT
Protected methodEmitT(OutletT, T)
Emit an element through the given outlet and continue with the given thunk afterwards, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull.
Protected methodEmitT(OutletT, T, Action)
Emit an element through the given outlet and continue with the given thunk afterwards, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull signal (before invoking the andThen function).
Protected methodEmitMultipleT(OutletT, IEnumerableT)
Emit a sequence of elements through the given outlet, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull signal.
Protected methodEmitMultipleT(OutletT, IEnumeratorT)
Emit a sequence of elements through the given outlet, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull signal.
Protected methodEmitMultipleT(OutletT, IEnumerableT, Action)
Emit a sequence of elements through the given outlet and continue with the given thunk afterwards, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull signal (before invoking the andThen function).
Protected methodEmitMultipleT(OutletT, IEnumeratorT, Action)
Emit a sequence of elements through the given outlet and continue with the given thunk afterwards, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the OutHandler for the given outlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving an OnPull signal (before invoking the andThen function).
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFail
Signals failure through the given port.
Public methodFailStage
Automatically invokes Cancel(Inlet) or Fail(Outlet, Exception) on all the input or output ports that have been called, then stops the stage, then PostStop is called.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetAsyncCallback(Action)
Obtain a callback object that can be used asynchronously to re-enter the current GraphStageTShape with an asynchronous notification. The delegate returned is safe to be called from other threads and it will in the background thread-safely delegate to the passed callback function. I.e. it will be called by the external world and the passed handler will be invoked eventually in a thread-safe way by the execution environment. This object can be cached and reused within the same GraphStageLogic.
Protected methodGetAsyncCallbackT(ActionT)
Obtain a callback object that can be used asynchronously to re-enter the current GraphStageTShape with an asynchronous notification. The delegate returned is safe to be called from other threads and it will in the background thread-safely delegate to the passed callback function. I.e. it will be called by the external world and the passed handler will be invoked eventually in a thread-safe way by the execution environment. This object can be cached and reused within the same GraphStageLogic.
Protected methodGetHandler(Inlet)
Protected methodGetHandler(Outlet)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetStageActorRef
Initialize a StageActorRef which can be used to interact with from the outside world "as-if" an actor. The messages are looped through the GetAsyncCallbackT(ActionT) mechanism of GraphStageTShape so they are safe to modify internal state of this stage. This method must (the earliest) be called after the GraphStageLogic constructor has finished running, for example from the PreStart callback the graph stage logic provides. Created StageActorRef to get messages and watch other actors in synchronous way. The StageActorRef's lifecycle is bound to the Stage, in other words when the Stage is finished, the Actor will be terminated as well. The entity backing the StageActorRef is not a real Actor, but the GraphStageLogic itself, therefore it does not react to PoisonPill.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGrabT(Inlet)
Once the callback OnPush for an input port has been invoked, the element that has been pushed can be retrieved via this method. After GrabT(Inlet) has been called the port is considered to be empty, and further calls to GrabT(Inlet) will fail until the port is pulled again and a new element is pushed as a response. The method IsAvailable(Inlet) can be used to query if the port has an element that can be grabbed or not.
Protected methodGrabT(InletT)
Protected methodHasBeenPulled
Indicates whether there is already a pending pull for the given input port. If this method returns true then IsAvailable(Inlet) must return false for that same port.
Protected methodIsAvailable(Inlet)
Protected methodIsAvailable(Outlet)
Return true if the given output port is ready to be pushed.
Protected methodIsClosed(Inlet)
Indicates whether the port has been closed. A closed port cannot be pulled.
Protected methodIsClosed(Outlet)
Indicates whether the port has been closed. A closed port cannot be pushed.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodPassAlongTOut, TIn
Install a handler on the given inlet that emits received elements on the given outlet before pulling for more data. doFinish and doFail control whether completion or failure of the given inlet shall lead to stage termination or not. doPull instructs to perform one initial pull on the from port.
Public methodPostStop
Invoked after processing of external events stopped because the stage is about to stop or fail.
Public methodPreStart
Invoked before any external events are processed, at the startup of the stage.
Protected methodPull(Inlet)
Requests an element on the given port. Calling this method twice before an element arrived will fail. There can only be one outstanding request at any given time.The method HasBeenPulled(Inlet) can be used query whether pull is allowed to be called or not.This method will also fail if the port is already closed.
Protected methodPullT(InletT)
Requests an element on the given port. Calling this method twice before an element arrived will fail. There can only be one outstanding request at any given time.The method HasBeenPulled(Inlet) can be used query whether pull is allowed to be called or not.This method will also fail if the port is already closed.
Protected methodPushT
Emits an element through the given output port. Calling this method twice before a PullT(InletT) has been arrived will fail. There can be only one outstanding push request at any given time. The method IsAvailable(Inlet) can be used to check if the port is ready to be pushed or not.
Protected methodReadT
Read an element from the given inlet and continue with the given function, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the InHandler for the given inlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving the OnPush signal (before invoking the andThen function).
Protected methodReadManyT
Read a number of elements from the given inlet and continue with the given function, suspending execution if necessary. This action replaces the InHandler for the given inlet if suspension is needed and reinstalls the current handler upon receiving the last OnPush signal. If upstream closes before N elements have been read, the onComplete function is invoked with the elements which were read.
Protected methodSetHandler(Inlet, IInHandler)
Protected methodSetHandler(Outlet, IOutHandler)
Protected methodSetHandler(Outlet, Action, Action)
Protected methodSetHandler(Inlet, Action, Action, ActionException)
Protected methodSetKeepGoing
Controls whether this stage shall shut down when all its ports are closed, which is the default. In order to have it keep going past that point this method needs to be called with a true argument before all ports are closed, and afterwards it will not be closed until this method is called with a false argument or the stage is terminated via CompleteStage or FailStage(Exception).
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTryPull(Inlet)
Requests an element on the given port unless the port is already closed. Calling this method twice before an element arrived will fail. There can only be one outstanding request at any given time.The method HasBeenPulled(Inlet) can be used query whether pull is allowed to be called or not.
Protected methodTryPullT(InletT)
Requests an element on the given port unless the port is already closed. Calling this method twice before an element arrived will fail. There can only be one outstanding request at any given time.The method HasBeenPulled(Inlet) can be used query whether pull is allowed to be called or not.
Public fieldStatic memberDoNothing
Public fieldStatic memberEagerTerminateInput
Input handler that terminates the stage upon receiving completion. The stage fails upon receiving a failure.
Public fieldStatic memberEagerTerminateOutput
Output handler that terminates the stage upon cancellation.
Public fieldStatic memberIgnoreTerminateInput
Input handler that does not terminate the stage upon receiving completion. The stage fails upon receiving a failure.
Public fieldStatic memberIgnoreTerminateOutput
Output handler that does not terminate the stage upon cancellation.
Public fieldInCount
Public fieldOutCount
Public fieldStatic memberTotallyIgnorantInput
Input handler that does not terminate the stage upon receiving completion nor failure.
Extension Methods
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy