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Akka.NETITellScheduler Interface
A scheduler that's able to schedule sending messages.

Namespace:  Akka.Actor
Assembly:  Akka (in Akka.dll) Version: (
public interface ITellScheduler

The ITellScheduler type exposes the following members.

Public methodScheduleTellOnce(TimeSpan, ICanTell, Object, IActorRef)
Schedules to send a message once after a specified period of time.
Public methodScheduleTellOnce(TimeSpan, ICanTell, Object, IActorRef, ICancelable)
Schedules to send a message once after a specified period of time.
Public methodScheduleTellRepeatedly(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, ICanTell, Object, IActorRef)
Schedules to send a message repeatedly. The first message will be sent after the specified initial delay and there after at the rate specified.
Public methodScheduleTellRepeatedly(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, ICanTell, Object, IActorRef, ICancelable)
Schedules to send a message repeatedly. The first message will be sent after the specified initial delay and there after at the rate specified.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodScheduleTellOnce
Schedules to send a message once after a specified period of time.
(Defined by SchedulerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodScheduleTellRepeatedly
Schedules to send a message repeatedly. The first message will be sent after the specified initial delay and there after at the rate specified.
(Defined by SchedulerExtensions.)
See Also