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Akka.NETActorMaterializerExtensionsMaterializer Method

Creates a ActorMaterializer which will execute every step of a transformation pipeline within its own ActorBase. The required IActorRefFactory (which can be either an ActorSystem or an IActorContext) will be used to create one actor that in turn creates actors for the transformation steps.

The materializer's ActorMaterializerSettings will be obtained from the configuration of the context's underlying ActorSystem.

The namePrefix is used as the first part of the names of the actors running the processing steps. The default namePrefix is "flow". The actor names are built up of namePrefix-flowNumber-flowStepNumber-stepName.

Namespace:  Akka.Streams
Assembly:  Akka.Streams (in Akka.Streams.dll) Version: (
public static ActorMaterializer Materializer(
	this IActorRefFactory context,
	ActorMaterializerSettings settings = null,
	string namePrefix = null


Type: Akka.ActorIActorRefFactory
settings (Optional)
Type: Akka.StreamsActorMaterializerSettings
namePrefix (Optional)
Type: SystemString

Return Value

Type: ActorMaterializer

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type IActorRefFactory. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
See Also