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Akka.NETIRemovedNodePruningT Interface
IReplicatedData that has support for pruning of data belonging to a specific node may implement this interface. When a node is removed from the cluster these methods will be used by the Replicator to collapse data from the removed node into some other node in the cluster.

Namespace:  Akka.DistributedData
Assembly:  Akka.DistributedData (in Akka.DistributedData.dll) Version: (
public interface IRemovedNodePruning<T> : IReplicatedData<T>, 
where T : IReplicatedData

Type Parameters


[Missing <typeparam name="T"/> documentation for "T:Akka.DistributedData.IRemovedNodePruning`1"]

The IRemovedNodePruningT type exposes the following members.

Public methodMerge(T)
Monotonic merge method.
(Inherited from IReplicatedDataT.)
Public methodMerge(IReplicatedData) (Inherited from IReplicatedData.)
Public methodNeedPruningFrom
Does it have any state changes from a specific node, which has been removed from the cluster.
Public methodPrune
When the removedNode node has been removed from the cluster the state changes from that node will be pruned by collapsing the data entries to another node.
Public methodPruningCleanup
Remove data entries from a node that has been removed from the cluster and already been pruned.
See Also