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Akka.NETMurmurHash Methods

The MurmurHash type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberArrayHashT
Compute a high-quality hash of an array
Public methodStatic memberByteHash
Compute a high-quality hash of a byte array
Public methodStatic memberExtendHash
Incorporates a new value into an existing hash
Public methodStatic memberFinalizeHash
Once all hashes have been incorporated, this performs a final mixing.
Public methodStatic memberNextMagicA
Given a magic integer from the first stream, compute the next
Public methodStatic memberNextMagicB
Given a magic integer from the second stream, compute the next
Public methodStatic memberStartHash
Begin a new hash with a seed value.
Public methodStatic memberStringHash
Compute high-quality hash of a string
Public methodStatic memberSymmetricHashT
Compute a hash that is symmetric in its arguments--that is, where the order of appearance of elements does not matter. This is useful for hashing sets, for example.
See Also